Yoichi Distillery



Yoichi Distillery Main Entrance

Finally we are here…!  White snow Yoichi with red pagoda!  Let’s start Massan’s world…!
 エントランスを暫くまっすぐ行くと、大日本果汁時代のオフィス棟が現存。竹鶴さんがここでシャカリキに働いていたとは! Nikka’s CEO office While walking into a few minutes, the original CEO office of Dai-Nippon Kaju (meaning Big Japan Fresh Juice Company) can be found.
Mr. Taketsuru hassled for producing good Japanese whisky here…!
Yoichi Wash Stills  

And here are Yoichi’s Wash stills…!  Right one is the No.1 and they are the only stills to use direct coal fire heating system in the world.
It’s very nice to see the stills which produce all Nikka’s superior whiskies.




Oldest pot still
Two right hand stills are wash stills. The left small one has been used since 1934 when Yoichi was established…!

Left two are spirit stills.

You can see that all the stills have sacred straw ropes on it.  Very much Japanese way to secure the stills, right?!


Coal Heating system

This is the coal heating system. When we visited, they finished distillation just one day before… We could not see the coals to be poured into the pot.



Mr. Taketsuru’s house

Then we encountered into Mr. Taketsuru and Ms. Rita’s house.

This was built in the different place though moved into Yoichi Distillery ground.

Green walls are very beautiful considering it was built around 90 years ago…!



No.1 Aging Celler

This is the first Yoichi aging cellar.

Twenty-seven cellars are existing in Yoichi today.


これらの樽は火災予防の観点から空樽だったけど、最近New Potを入れた樽も奥の方に眠っている模様。


Inside of No.1 Aging Cellar

Inside the cellar, we can find only tow rows Dunnage warehouse (caring about the condition difference of upper and bottom casks).

All the casks are empty because this area is for touring and preventing fire from them. But quite recently, some casks have been filled with new pot.

Somewhere around in the 27 aging cellars, two 70 years old casks were hidden. Very much exciting to hear that…!