Yoichi Distillery




Entering into Mr. Taketsuru’s House!

 Now we are ready to enter into Mr. Taketsuru’s house…!

It is very rare experience to get into his house from the back door – appreciate so much for arranging this opportunity to a Senior Taketsuru Ambassador and Mr. Mikami from Nikka…!


持ち込んだSuper Nikkaの初代手吹きボトルとリタさんの写真でパチリと一枚!(1962年に各務クリスタル社によって1000本だけ造られたうちの一本です!)

Kitchen Table  Back-door is to the kitchen where Rita-san used it to make dinner for Massan.

The photo is with the original bottle of Supper Nikka(one of 1,000, made in 1962, Kagami Cristal hand made bottle), which I brought to Yoichi from my house.

 台所にはなんと、リタさんお手製の梅干しが60年前のまま保存されていました! Ume Pickel made by Rita san  Amazingly, this Japanese pickled ume(plum) was existing as is  which made by Rita-san around 60 years ago…!


 応接室のテーブルに、マッサンがリタさんに贈った本(メッセージ直筆付き)があったので、Super Nikkaとパチリ。 Super Nikka on Massan’s table The book next to Super Nikka is the book with Massan’s hand writing message to his wife, Rita.


 この鏡台はリタさんが使っていたもの! リタさんはSuper Nikkaを知らないけど(亡くなってからリタさんを偲んでつくられたので)、このボトルは気に入ってくれたのではと。 Super Nikka on Rita’s dresser  This dresser is Rita-san’s one. Rita-san didn’t know Super Nikker (because that bottle was released to memorize Rita-san’s life after she passed away), but she might have liked that shape.


 こちらはマッサンの書斎机にて。実際にこうやってボトルを置いてリタさんを想いだしていたかも。 Super Nikka on Massan’s writing bureau This is on the Massan’s writing bureau. He might recall Rita san like that way.


 マッサンは英語の本をリタさんに沢山買ってあげていたというのがこの書棚でわかります。 Many English books for Rita san  Massan bought a lot of English books for Rita san – we can recognize his kindness to her.


 こちらは竹と鶴の着物! リタさんが着ていた物です。 Japanese Kimono of Take-Tsuru design This Japanese Kimono is super beautiful! – Rita san might wore it (the print shows Take (bamboo) and Tsuru (crain), which means Massan’s sur name, Take-tsuru).


 こちらはマッサンが着ていたジャケットとネクタイ。意外と渋い色味ですよね。 Massan’s wardrobe This wardrobe is Massan’s – austere colored jackets and ties, aren’t they?


 マッサンは碁も嗜んでいらっしゃいましたので、この碁盤と石が残っています。 Massan’s Go board Massan played Go game with his friends in Yoichi area.