こちらは床の間にあった飾り物。 | Massan’s favorite goods | These are Massan’s favorite goods on his bed room. |
マッサンが毎夜飲んでいたという、ハイニッカ用のボトルとスーパーニッカでパチリ。 | Super Nikka with Massan’s Hi-Nikka bottle | The right hand side bottle is used by Massan every night to taste Hi-Nikka for the night dram. |
毎晩晩酌でハーフボトルぐらいを飲むので、寝室にトイレが設置されていたとは! | Toilet in the Massan’s bed room | Can you believe that Massan set-up toilet to his bed room not to prevent Rita’s asleep. He is so kind to her…! |
畳の目をよく見ると。。 なんと、竹と鶴! |
Tatami mat Take & Tsuru | Can you recognize that this tatami mat has Take (bamboo) and Tsuru (crain) design on it?! |
応接室にはカワイピアノが。これは日本に現存する最古のカワイピアノらしく、あえて調律せずに置いてある。(ガイドの森さん、ありがとう!) | Oldest Kawai Piano in Japan |
This piano is in his living room. It is said that this one is the oldest Kawai Piano in Japan. Intentionally tuning has not been made to it. (Thanks for the nice tour, Mori-san…!) |
そして今回のベストショット。マッサンのサイドボード上でのSuper Nikka初代ボトルと「ヒゲのウヰスキー誕生す」 | Massan’s side board – Super Nikka and his biography | This is the best shot of this trip – Super Nikka original bottle with his biography book on his side board. |
この椅子にマッサンは座って、ジャパニーズウヰスキーの行く末を思慮されていたんだなぁと。 | Massan’s chair | It is a sort of nostalgia – why? Massan might though about the future of Japanese whisky when he was sitting here. |
こちらは実際に使用されていたティーカップとニッカグラス。 | Tea cups and Nikka glasses | Those are tea cups and Nikka glasses which were used by Massan & Rita. |
こちらはウイスキー用のキャビネット。左からスーパーニッカ初代ボトル、鶴 陶器ボトル、余市23年シングルモルト、余市12年シングルモルト | Whisky cabinet | Here is Massan’s whisky cabinet. Above the glasses, left to right, Super Nikka original bottle, Tsuru China bottle, Yoichi 23 years old single malt, Yoichi 12 years single malt. |