竹鶴ハウスを出て、いよいよウイスキーミュージアムへ。ポットスチルがお出迎え。 | Pot still welcoming us at Whisky Museum | Now then we moved to Whisky Museum. There is a pot still welcoming us. |
右手にテイスティンググラス、左手には大麦の穂を携えて。 |
Lord Lolly | Here is well-known Lord Lolly stained glass. It was said that this represents Mr. Taketsuru, but it is not.
He has tasting glass on his right hand and malt barley on his left hand. |
スピリットセーフの展示。すべての原酒はここを通過する! | Spirit Safe | All the new pot passed this spirit safe when it was used with spirit stills. |
ガマの葉で水漏れを防ぐというのが斬新。 |
Producing casks | It explains how to make casks from the tree.
It is amazing that no human made sealing but the leaves of cattail are used for it. |
天使の分け前がどうなっているかの展示! | Comparison of Angel’s share | Right one to left one – 5, 10 and 15 years of maturation.
It visualizes how much whiskies were taken by angels. |
これがピート。持つと以外と軽いし、泥っとしていない。 | Peat | Peat coal is not heavy nor muddy as I thought. |
今となっては手に入らないボトルの展示。美しい! | Beautiful bottles | There are so many beautiful bottles which we cannot get on the market easily. |
こんな味のあるボトルは最近はお目にかからないなぁ。。 |
Olympic Games memorial bottles | Those are the set of Tokyo Olympic Games memorial bottles of Super Nikka, which were released in 1964, after two years of original bottles were released.
We cannot see this kind of premium and fancy bottles in the market anymore… |
二人の夢についての記載ボード。詳細は余市に出向いて確認を! | Rita’s dream with Massan | This board explains the dreams of Rita & Massan. Please do visit here and read details…! |
これをまとめなおしたのがいわゆる竹鶴ノートで、摂津酒造の阿部喜兵衛社長・岩井喜一郎氏に提出したものとのこと。 |
Original Taketsuru Note | This is Mr. Taketsuru’s original hand writing note.
He summarized the contents and submitted the publicly known Taketsuru-Note to his company CEO Mr. Kihei Abe of Settsu Shuzo, and his direct report, Mr. Kiichiro Iwai. |