右にある「壽屋 スコッチウヰスキー醸造工場設計図」は、なんと山崎蒸溜所の設計図!
サントリーさんに謹呈しようかとしたがそれには及ばずということで、余市に保管されてます。 |
Yamazaki Distillery Planning Chart | The right hand side large sheets are Yamazaki Distillery Planning Chart, which Massan was dedicated to it in 1922-23.
It was meant to be in Suntory’s Yamazaki museum but they were politely refused to take that offer from Asahi. |
なんと、厚岸にも白羽の矢が立っていたようで! |
Memo of distillery placement | Upper page shows Hokkaido map and places where Massan would like to establish distillery.
One of that was Akkeshi, where quite recently a new distillery was launched. |
ニッカ第一号のボトル。斜め格子のクリスタルが綺麗! | Nikka’s first released bottle | This one is “Nikka Whisky Rare Old”, which was released to the market in 1940.
Very nice lattice bottle, isn’t it? |
こちらが展示されている、スーパーニッカの初代ボトル。 持参したボトルはクリスタルの栓がないけど、展示されているものと同じリリースだと思うと大切にしなきゃと! |
Super Nikka first edition with glass cap | This one is Super Nikka first edition which was released in 1962.
My bottle lacks the glass cap though the bottle and content is really the same – I must keep it in a good condition forever…! |
竹鶴さんが射止めたクマ。ヘリコプターで飛んで行って狩りをしたとか。 |
Bear…! | This bear was shooted by Mr. Taketsuru. He flied by helicopter and then enjoyed the hunting in Hokkaido. |
魚拓も竹鶴さんご本人作だとか。 |
Big fish…! | And big fish also…!
Mr. Taketsuru made the print by himself. |
SMWSの116.1から 4のボトルが、蒸溜所登録記念のゴールドプレートとともに展示されています。 | SMWS bottles | SMWS 116.1 to 4 are displayed with gold medal of distillery registration certificate. |
ニッカのフラグシップボトル。右のサインはドラマのマッサン出演者達のサイン。 | Nikka’s flagship bottles | They are Nikka’s flagship bottles which we can purchase nowadays.
Right side signature is by actors/actresses of NHK drama, Massan. |
シニアアンバサダーは全国に20名ちょっとしか認定されていない!(竹鶴ハウスにはシニアアンバサダーの同行が必要なので、貴重な経験でした) |
The list of Taketsuru Ambassadors | This is the list of Taketsuru Ambassadors.
Only 20+ Senior Ambassadors are registered – and it was super rare experience to get into Massan’s house with one of them…! |
ブレンディングは柏工場で行っているって知ってました?? |
Nikka factories | Here is the map of Nikka factories.
Did you know that Nikka whisky blend is taken place in Kashiwa factory, not Yoichi nor Miyagikyo?? |